Saturday, October 20, 2007


At volley ball, we were playing a game against the teachers. All 4 of the teams were there, switching in and out to play the teachers. The boys from the basket ball team were there after their practice ended, watching the game. During the last game, our coach sent two more teams out to gang up on the teachers, we were losing pretty badly. After the third team went on, all of the basket ball guys ran onto the court and got ready to play too! Our coach is like: If you're not back in your seats, you've all got to do extra laps next practice, so all the guys ran like heck back to their seats. We all started pounding out the beat to 'we will rock you' on the bleachers. So much fun!


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Shining Wind opening! Kawaii!

Shining tears X wind opening theme! Yaaaaaaay! Watch it plz! Or else! ^-^